Tony Morris is a conversion strategist, author of 5 books, working with organisations and leaders to ask better questions and get better results. His first book, Coffee’s for closers, was #1 best-selling book for telesales on Amazon and the 2nd edition, is being launched in March 2023 and being published by Wiley.

He brings actionable, practical, real-life techniques that the audience can implement the day after your event and get instant results. Tony Morris conducts LIVE SALES CALLS on stage, to the audiences dream prospects, to demonstrate techniques he teaches.

With over 25 years of success in sales working at the top level, Tony Morris has developed his sales methodology, ‘The A.S.K Philosophy Principles’, where he helps organisations and leaders Attract the right prospects, Solve their biggest challenges and Keep them for Life. Tony Morris has proven his methodology is applicable across every vertical, having helped organisations across 62 industries.

Tony Morris helps Sales leaders, and Sales professionals of all levels, both B2B and B2C; working with them to increase their conversion rates, improve their morale and increase their productivity.

The outcome of this is, organisations see tangible results and numeric improvement in their customers’ average order value, increase in their bottom line and the transformation of customers into raving fans, which will recommend them for years to come.

Clients include Vitality, Mortgage Advice Bureau, Villeroy & Boche, IHG, Wren Kitchens, Oakley, and Savills.

Tony’s articles have appeared in publications to include Forbes, Evening Standard and Winning Edge.

Tony was voted in the Top 50 sales speakers in the World in 2021 and was inducted into the Sales Hall of Fame, and others include Jeb Blount, Victor Antonio.

On Tony’s podcast, Confessions of a serial seller, he ahs interviewed the 100 most successful sales people in the world.
