An internationally renowned virologist, Dr. Ilaria Capua's unwavering passion and unique training led her to also serve as a Member of the Italian Parliament from 2013 to 2016.

Dr. Ilaria Capua, DVM, PhD is a veterinarian by training and for over 30 years she has led research groups in the field of diseases transmissible from animals to humans and their epidemic potential in Italian and foreign laboratories. This research has also transferred itself into a successful career as a Virologist in which she has has shown defining global leadership. For example, in 2006, at the height of the influenza A virus (H5N1), she promoted open access to the genetic sequences of emerging viruses as part of pre-pandemic preparedness efforts. This has now been established as an critical component in any fight against the threat of epidemic diseases such as Ebola and COVID-19.

In 2008, Seed magazine named her amongst the "revolutionary minds" for her part as a catalyst and leader in more collaborative approaches to influenza virus research and in 2014 she was the recipient of the ESCMID Excellence Award for Clinical Microbiology and Infectious diseases

Dr. Ilaria Capua was elected to the Chamber of Deputies in 2013 where she held the position of Vice President of the Science, Culture and Education Commission. During her time in parliament she created Parliamentary resolutions and amendments relating to infectious diseases, including antimicrobial resistance, epidemic threats (Ebola), and emerging pathogens of plants and animals. She later resigned from parliament and moved to the United States with her family.

During her career, Dr Capua has authored several books on Avian Influenza and Newcastle Disease and has over 220 publications in peer reviewed journals. Her latest book , available in summer 2020, is called Circular Health (Egea) and explores how humans, animals and planets should co-exist.

Today Dr. Ilaria Capua heads the University of Florida's One Health Center of Excellence, a center that promotes health advancement as an integrated system through interdisciplinary approaches.
