
< Speaker Topics Showing 21 - 30 of 49 results

Farland Chang

Farland Chang is an Emmy Award winning international journalist, Executive Producer & Founder of WorldBizWatch — a media strategy & global video production company. In a journalism career spanning more than 20 years, Farland has covered top stories across Asia and North America. And he has reported on and...

Steve Wozniak

A Silicon Valley icon and philanthropist for more than thirty years, Steve Wozniak has helped shape the computing industry with his design of Apple’s first line of products the Apple I and II and influenced the popular Macintosh. In 1976, Wozniak and Steve Jobs founded Apple Computer Inc. with...

Chad Hurley

In an era when “game-changer,” “status quo disrupter,” and “new standard,” are tossed around regularly, there are only a small handful of brands and technologies that serve as the indisputable, iconic personifications of those monikers. YouTube is one such entity. Serving as a website, a brand, and a verb,...

Michael Solomon

Michael Solomon’s books, including Consumer Behaviour: Buying, Having, and Being, are some of the most widely used books on the subject of marketing and understanding consumers in the world. Solomon advises global clients on marketing strategies to make them more consumer-centric.  He regularly appears on television shows including The...

Raul Krauthausen

Raul Krauthausen is an award-winning communication manager, and designer of innovative social projects. He has worked for more than 10 years in the internet and media business world. Since 2010 Raul has been involved in the development of the internet platform, an open and free online map for...

Anton Savage

Anton Savage is the Managing Director of The Communications Clinic, which provides communications training and advisory services. Set up in 2007, the company has grown steadily since then, delivering service in Ireland, the UK, Frankfurt, New York, Los Angeles, Dar Es Salaam, and Sydney. The company works for some...

Yang Lan

Yang Lan is co-founder and Chairperson of Sun Media Group, one of China’s leading private media groups. A leading broadcast journalist and media entrepreneur, Ms. Yang first made her name when she hosted CCTV’s “Zhengda Variety Show”, which earned her “Golden Microphone Award” in 1994. Her show  (“Yang Lan...

Craig Oliver

*In partnership with Kruger Cowne Craig Oliver has worked at the very top of government and journalism – giving him unique insight into how politics, public relations and media interact. He was Prime Minister Cameron’s Director of Politics and Communications, responsible for setting the Government’s strategy, sharpening its message...

Tony Buzan

Tony Buzan is the inventor of Mind Maps. Described as the “Swiss Army Knife of the Brain” it is used by over 250 million people worldwide. Tony Buzan is one of the world’s leading thinkers, communicators and media Brain Stars. From very average academic beginnings, he worked on developing...

Joseph MacInnis

What is it like to dive under the ice of the Northwest Passage and discover, after three years of searching, a three-masted British ship that sank in 1853 – the golden age of Arctic exploration- and is still intact? How does it feel to be among the first to...

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