
< Speaker Topics Showing 141 - 150 of 216 results

Tanmay Bakshi

Tanmay Bakshi, 15 years old, is a Software/Cognitive Developer, Author, Keynote Speaker, Algorithm-ist, Honorary IBM Cloud Advisor, IBM Champion for Cloud and YouTuber. He lives just outside of Toronto, in Brampton, Canada. Programming since the age of 5, he had his first iOS app, tTables, accepted when he was...

Sophie Hackford

Sophie Hackford is a futurist, business builder, and speaker, synthesising explosive and interconnected technology and science breakthroughs from around the world. From satellite swarms to AI demonstrating intuition, we are becoming entangled with machines and will be surprised by the consequences. Sophie’s talks are designed to create enthusiasm and...

Jamie Woodruff

In his late 20s, Jamie Woodruff is one of the world’s leading authorities on hacking and cyber security. Woodruff entered the public eye when he successfully hacked Facebook as part of a student competition at Bangor University where he was studying computer information systems. He has since uncovered security...

Rory Sutherland

Rory Sutherland is the Vice Chairman of Ogilvy, an attractively vague job title which has allowed him to co-found a behavioral science practice within the agency. Sutherland works with a consulting practice of psychology graduates who look for ‘unseen opportunities’ in consumer behaviour – these are the often small...

Rene Carayol

René Carayol is a leading business guru specialising in leadership, culture and transformation, drawing from his own unique experiences on the boards of some of the biggest international organisations; from Marks & Spencer and Pepsi to The World Bank and the Inland Revenue. He is the author of the...

Shaukat Aziz

Shaukat Aziz was Prime Minister of Pakistan from 2004-07. He presided over a period of impressive domestic economic growth and successfully tackled many of the challenges presented by the global economy. In 1999 Mr. Aziz was appointed Pakistan’s Minister of Finance with responsibility for Finance, Economic Affairs, Statistics, Planning and...

Louisa Heinrich

Louisa is a design, strategy and innovation leader. Over the past 20 years, she has been part of the development of many technologies that are now considered commonplace. As design director during the first dotcom boom, Louisa led the design of some of the first digital consumer projects for...

George Mitchell

George John Mitchell is an American lawyer, businessman and politician, best known internationally for several high profile roles he has undertaken on behalf of the US government. Mitchell served as US Special Envoy for Middle East Peace from 2009 to 2011. The appointment enabled the incoming Obama Administration to...

Gurcharan Das

Gurcharan Das is a CEO, author, journalist and public intellectual. Das is the author of the international bestseller, India Unbound, which has been published in 17 languages and filmed by the BBC. He writes a regular column on Sundays for the Times of India and periodic guest columns for...

Dan Cobley

Dan Cobley is an entrepreneur and investor in innovative tech startup businesses, focusing on financial services. He is CEO of Brightbridge Ventures, a FinTech-focused venture builder which is part of Blenheim Chalcot. Through this role he has co-founded and now chairs three fast-growth FinTech companies; SalaryFinance, BusinessFinanceCompared and ClearScore,...

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