Romano Prodi
Romano Prodi served as President of the Council of Ministers (Prime Minister) of Italy twice, from 1996-1998 and 2006-2008. He became President of the European Commission at a time of crisis, from 1999-2004. On 12 September 2008, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon selected Prodi as president of the African...
Joan Laporta
Joan Laporta is the former President of Barcelona Football Club. In 2003 a new generation of young and dynamic directors came to FC Barcelona and generated a real shake-up. They aimed to strengthen the club economically and socially and prepare the ground for a winning team that would nurture...
Mick Cornett
Mick Cornett was the mayor of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, United States, having served in that position since 2004. He was the first mayor in Oklahoma City history to be elected to four terms and was the longest-serving mayor among the 50 largest cities in America. One of Cornett’s most...
Hagai Segal
Hagai Segal is a leading authority on geo-political, strategic and counter-terrorism issues. For over 15 years he has advised, consulted and briefed a vast array of key institutions and companies including the US Federal Reserve, the Metropolitan Police, Deutsche Bank, Macquarie Bank and Securities, KPMG, Marriott Hotels and Qantas....
Howard Dean
Governor Howard Dean, former DNC Chairman, presidential candidate, six term Governor and physician, currently works as a part time independent consultant focusing on the areas of health care, early childhood development, alternative energy and the expansion of grassroots politics around the world. Dean is a contributor to the news...
Shashi Tharoor
Dr Tharoor is an Indian politician and a Member of Parliament (MP) from the Thiruvananthapuram constituency in Kerala. He previously served as the United Nations Under-Secretary General for Communications and Public Information and as the Minister of State for the Ministry of External Affairs. He is also a prolific...
Bronislaw Komorowski
Bronisław Maria Komorowski has led a remarkable life which eventually led to him being elected President of Poland in 2010. Earlier in his career, Komorowksi was an underground publisher during the democratic movement. In 1980 he was arrested for participating in a demonstration with the Movement for Defence of...
Dominique de Villepin
Dominique De Villepin is a French diplomat and politician, who served as French Foreign Minister (2002-04), Interior Minister (2004-05) and Prime Minister (2005-07). He is one of the foremost advocates of a new global governance based on multi-lateralism. A champion of peace and justice, De Villepin was the voice...
Christopher Kutarna
Chris Kutarna is co-author of Age of Discovery: Navigating the Storms of Our Second Re-naissance, a best-selling, internationally acclaimed book published by Bloomsbury and St Martin’s Press in eight languages. Among other predictions, Chris publicly foresaw Brexit and the election of Donald Trump. In late 2018, Chris launched the...
Dave Ulrich
Dave Ulrich is a Professor at the Ross School of Business, University of Michigan and a partner at the RBL Group a consulting firm focused on helping organisations and leaders deliver value. He studies how organisations build capabilities of leadership, speed, learning, accountability, and talent through leveraging human resources....