Why our grasp of reality is fragile?
2017年 07月 17日 公開
Neuroscientist Beau Lotto has launched his latest book, Deviate. “The great minds of history,” he says, “had theories, but now neuroscience has an answer.” Your brain may be beautiful, but “what makes it beautiful is that it is delusional” and you should therefore get shot of your inhibitions and summon the courage to “deviate!”
‘There won’t be anyone else like me again’
2017年 04月 03日 公開
Track and field legend Usain Bolt was recently at the Global Transformation Forum 2017 in Malaysia where he electrified an audience of some 3,000 with an inspiring tale of how a cricket-loving Jamaican boy became a sprinter who blazed across the finishing line at a World Record of 9.58s for the 100m in Berlin in 2009.
‘Love of people’ drives Branson
2017年 03月 23日 公開
It was a rousing end to the first day of the Global Transformation Forum 2017 as business magnate Richard Branson fielded questions and selfie requests.
Malaysia needs more transformational leaders, says Pemandu CEO
2017年 03月 22日 公開
Malaysia needs more great leaders, especially transformational leaders, who have the ability to conquer fear and are brave enough to take steps in transforming an organisation, said Performance Management and Delivery Unit (Pemandu) President and Chief Executive Officer Datuk Seri Idris Jala.