
< Speaker Topics Showing 31 - 40 of 74 results

Michael Gove

Michael Gove served as Secretary of State for Education from 2010-14 and Secretary of State for Justice from 2015-16. Anthony Seldon, David Cameron’s biographer, regarded Gove as the Cameron government’s most ‘effective minister.’ As Secretary of State for Education, Gove introduced the most sweeping reforms of the UK education...

Bjorn Lomborg

Bjorn Lomborg is an associate professor of statistics in the Department of Political Science at the University of Aarhus. In 1998 he published four lengthy articles about the state of our environment in the leading Danish newspaper, which resulted in a firestorm debate spanning over 400 articles in major...

Gerhard Roth

Having lectured at the University of Bremen in Behavioral Psychology, Gerhard Roth was appointed Director of the newly-created Institute for Brain Research. In 1997 Gerhard was the founding Rector of the Hanse Institute for Advanced Study Delmenhorst. Since 2008 he is CEO of Roth GmbH – Applied Neuroscience in...

Xavier Darcos

From 1993 to 1995 he was the chief of staff (directeur de cabinet) to Education Minister François Bayrou, from 1995 to 1997 advisor to Prime Minister Alain Juppé for education and culture matters, and from 1995 to 1998, along with François Bayroux and Claude Allègre, he was the president...

Roger Ballentine

Roger Ballentine was a senior member of the White House staff, serving President Bill Clinton as Chairman of the White House Climate Change Task Force and Deputy Assistant to the President for Environmental Initiatives. Prior to being named Deputy Assistant to the President, Mr. Ballentine was Special Assistant to...

Ben Casnocha

Ben Casnocha is an award-winning author and entrepreneur from Silicon Valley. He was co-author with Linked-In founder Reid Hoffman of New York Times bestseller The Alliance: Managing Talent in the Networked Age, which has become one of the most sought-after management frameworks on how to recruit, manage, and retain...

Omari Issa

Omari Issa has extensive business experience at the highest level of both the public and private sectors, having worked in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America. From 2013-16, Issa served as the first Chief Executive Officer of the President’s Delivery Bureau, an institution established to oversee implementation of Tanzania’s...

Lord Adair Turner

Adair Turner was Chairman of the Financial Services Authority from 2008-13, the regulatory body which oversees the financial services industry in the UK. He was also Chairman of the UK Government’s Climate Change Committee from 2008-12. In 2009 the FSA produced a report recommending a revamp of global banking...

Tony Buzan

Tony Buzan is the inventor of Mind Maps. Described as the “Swiss Army Knife of the Brain” it is used by over 250 million people worldwide. Tony Buzan is one of the world’s leading thinkers, communicators and media Brain Stars. From very average academic beginnings, he worked on developing...

Ron Kaufman

Ron Kaufman is the world’s leading educator and motivator for uplifting customer service and building service cultures. Rated one of the “Top 25 Who’s Hot” speakers by Speaker Magazine, Ron presents powerful insights and global best practices from working with clients on every continent for more than twenty years....

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