Malvika Iyer
Dr. Malvika Iyer is an Award-winning Disability Rights Activist with a Doctorate in Social Work. She is the recipient of the “Nari Shakti Puraskar”, the Highest Civilian Honor for Women from the President of India. Iyer is an International Motivational Speaker, a TEDx Speaker, a member of the United...
Robert Swan
Robert Swan, is one of the world’s preeminent polar explorers and environmental leaders. By the age of 33, Robert became the first person to walk to both the North and South Poles, earning his place in history alongside the great explorers and adventurers. His 900 mile journey to the...
Jason Drew
Jason is a serial entrepreneur, passionate environmentalist and visionary who argues that industrial revolution is over and the sustainability revolution has begun. Based on this he has developed a clear vision and blueprint for business in the 21st century. He is an inspirational business leader of this nascent revolution....
Christiana Figueres
“I thoroughly enjoyed working with LSB Asia team based in KL and can attest to their professionalism. I would also like to commend them for their commitment in attaining carbon neutrality as the need for decarbonization is so urgent.” Christiana Figueres is an internationally recognised leader on global climate...
Dan Germain
Dan Germain is Group Head of Brand at innocent, the healthy drinks company. He’s worked there since the company started in 1999, and in 2014 was named Designer of the Year in the UK, beating Apple’s Sir Jonathan Ive and Sir Paul Smith among others. These days his duties...
Peter Truscott
Lord Truscott was the UK’s Energy Minister from 2006-7. Since then he has been involved with a number of publicly listed and private companies in the energy and mining sectors. Truscott represented Hertfordshire in the European Parliament between 1994-99, and was the Government’s Foreign Affairs and Defence Spokesman and...
Lord Nicholas Stern
Nicholas Stern (Lord Stern) is a globally recognised economist, and one the world’s leading authorities on climate change, international development and global economic growth. Lord Stern is IG Patel Professor of Economics and Government at London School of Economics, and Head of the India Observatory and Chairman of the...
Yukio Hatoyama 鳩山由紀夫
彼は近代民主党としての初代総理大臣でした。鳩山は、アジアを中心とした外交政策を推進するなかで、近隣の東アジア諸国との関係をより良くするよう努めました。また、2020年までに自由貿易圏を拡大し、羽田空港を国際線の24時間ハブとして提案するなど、東アジア地域内の経済統合の深化にも努めました。 中国との関係も鳩山政権下で緩やかになりました。最初の数ヵ月間で、鳩山氏が明人天皇との面会予約を手配し、Xi Jinping による訪問のあと、交換訪問が見られました。日刊読売は歴史的問題についての和解を促進するために両国間の更なる訪問交換に関するハイレベルの議論を報告した。同紙によると、「北京は鳩山に南京を訪問させ、日中戦争に対する後悔の念を表明させることで中国国民の対日感情を和らげることを目的としている」と述べた。 鳩山氏は温室効果ガス排出量の大幅な削減を約束し、2020年までに1990年比で25%の削減を目指すと述べた。目標は他のどの先進国のものよりも野心的でした。彼の講演は国連で歓迎され、気候変動における彼の指導的役割を示しました。彼は1年もみたない期間の首相を務めましたが、就任中には、さまざまな功績をあげました。
Nicholas Christakis
Nicholas Christakis is a sociologist and physician who conducts research in the area of biosocial science, investigating the biological predicates and consequences of social phenomena. Christakis directs the Human Nature Lab at Yale University, where he is appointed as the Sol Goldman Family Professor of Social and Natural Science,...
Lars Thomsen
Lars Thomsen is an influential futurist and trends researcher. He is the founder and CEO of Swiss based think tank, Future Matters. Thomsen has worked on future issues for the past 25 years, consulting with corporations, institutions and government bodies on the development of future strategies and business models. ...