
< Speaker Topics Showing 21 - 30 of 35 results

Bronislaw Komorowski

Bronisław Maria Komorowski has led a remarkable life which eventually led to him being elected President of Poland in 2010. Earlier in his career, Komorowksi was an underground publisher during the democratic movement.  In 1980 he was arrested for participating in a demonstration with the Movement for Defence of...

Lorenzo Bini Smaghi

Lorenzo Bini Smaghi is Chairman of the French bank Société Générale and was a Member of the Executive Board of the European Central Bank from 2005-11.  During that period he acted as G7 and G20 Deputy for the euro area and was responsible for its international relations. He is...

Jack Straw

Jack Straw was Foreign Secretary 2001-06, Home Secretary 1997-2001, and Leader of the House of Commons (2006-07) under Prime Minister Tony Blair, as well as Lord Chancellor and Justice Secretary 2007-10 under Prime Minister Gordon Brown. He has been described by The Guardian, a renowned UK daily newspaper, as...

Douglas Rediker

Douglas Rediker represented the United States on the Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) from 2010-12. Rediker is now Chairman of a boutique advisory firm that provides clients with market-relevant insights and actionable advice on the political economy of global financial markets. Rediker is also a Visiting...

Guy Verhofstadt

Guy Verhofstadt won the 1999 Belgian elections becoming their first liberal Prime Minister in more than 60 years, forming the first Belgian government without Christian-Democrats in 40 years. He presided over two Governments with the Belgian socialist parties, partly including the Green parties, and an interim third government in...

Javier Solana

Javier Solana is a leading diplomat, who served as Secretary-General of the Council of the European Union, Secretary-General of the Western European Union and European High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the EU (1999-2009), as well as Secretary-General of NATO (1995-9) and Spanish Minister of...

Jose Manuel Barroso

José Manuel Durão Barroso was President of the European Commission from 2004-14. He was previously Prime Minister of Portugal from 2002-04. After university, Barroso embarked on an academic career, working successively as a teaching assistant on the Law Faculty of the University of Lisbon, in the Department of Political...

Dominique Moisi

Dominique Moïsi is one of Europe’s leading geo-strategic thinkers. A renowned political scientist, author, and co-founder of the prestigious French Institute for International Affairs (IFRI). He is a member of the European Council on Foreign Relations, and the International Advisory Council of the Moscow School of Political Studies, as...

Bernard Kouchner

Bernard Kouchner, French Minister of Foreign and European Affairs until November 2010, has played an important role in European politics for many decades. Having been a Minister in different French governments for a total of eighteen years, he is an outspoken advocate for humanitarian causes. His experience as Foreign...

Nigel Farage

Nigel Farage is co-founder and long serving leader of the UK Independence Party (UKIP). He was the face of the successful campaign to take the UK out of the European Union in the 2016 Brexit referendum, positioning the referendum as the start of a global populist wave against the...

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