
< Speaker Topics Showing 91 - 100 of 180 results

Nouriel Roubini

Nouriel Roubini is the Chairman of Roubini Global Economics, an independent, global macroeconomic and market strategy research firm. It has been named one of the best economics resources by BusinessWeek, Forbes, Wall Street Journal and the Economist. Roubini is Professor of Economics at New York University’s Stern School of...

Peter Goodman

Peter S. Goodman is the international economic correspondent for the New York Times. An award­winning journalist, he has reported from more than three dozen countries in the course of his career, contributing an assortment of investigative projects, reported features and analytical columns on a broad array of subjects ­­...

Tao Zhang

Tao Zhang is Founding Managing Director of Dao Ventures, a China-focused impact investment group with co-headquartered offices in both China and the US that primarily consist of ACBridge Global Advisors, China Impact Fund, and New Ventures Global. The various entities of Dao Ventures have so far made and/or facilitated...

Michel Camdessus

Michel Camdessus is Honorary Governor of Banque de France and is the former Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). In January 2010, Mr. Camdessus was appointed by President Sarkozy as the Chair of the high level working group on the reform of French public finances equilibrium rules....

Tim Congdon

Tim Congdon is an economist and businessman, who has for over 30 years been a strong advocate of sound money and free markets in the UK’s public policy debates. He is a controversial figure in British economic policy-making, because of his consistent advocacy of the importance of money and...

Oliver August

Oliver August is the new Europe Editor at The Economist, covering a wide range of events from Gibraltar to Vladivostok. He writes extensively about the EU, the euro crisis and Russia. August was The Economist’s Africa Editor. For five years, he covered the continent’s emergence as an economic success...

Ian Goldin

Ian Goldin was the Director of the Oxford University Martin School until 2016 which is a unique inter-disciplinary research initiative tackling global future challenges. He is also Professor of Globalisation and a Professorial Fellow at Oxford University’s Balliol College. He is an economist with an international reputation in the...

Iain Duncan Smith

The Rt Hon Iain Duncan Smith MP was first elected as the Member of Parliament for the constituency of Chingford and Woodford Green in London on 1st April 1992. In his first Parliament, June 1992-97, he opposed the Maastricht Treaty believing that if it passed, it would over a...

Joseph Stiglitz

Joseph Stiglitz is a nobel prize-winning economist. A graduate of Amherst College, he received his PhD from MIT in 1967, became a full professor at Yale in 1970, and in 1979 was awarded the John Bates Clark Award, given biennially by the American Economic Association to the economist under...

Gita Wirjawan

Mr. Wirjawan’s most recent appointment was as Minister of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia from October 2011 – February 2014. Two years prior to this post, he was the Chairman of Indonesia’s Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM). He has also held key appointments at Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan, and...

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