
< Speaker Topics Showing 141 - 150 of 180 results

Bibek Debroy

Bibek Debroy is a noted Indian economist. He is currently a professor at Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi. He is also Visiting Honorary Senior Research Fellow for Institute for South Asian Studies in National University of Singapore. Debroy studied at Ramakrishna Mission School (Narendrapur), Presidency College (Calcutta), Delhi...

Pierre Sabatier

Pierre Sabatier is a French young economist, member of the Cercle Turgot and the Econoclastes, two famous economic think tanks, and editorialist in several french newspapers and TV channels. He is Chairman and Director of Studies of the independent economic and financial research firm PrimeView, which he founded in...

Goolam Ballim

Goolam is the chief economist and head of research for the Standard Bank Group, having served in this role since May 2004. The bank’s commercial emphasis is on Africa and the research function supports this endeavor. Standard Bank Research comprises 53 analysts and 10 support staff, variously located in...

Jeffrey Sachs

Jeffrey D. Sachs is a world-renowned economist, bestselling author, innovative educator, and global leader in sustainable development. He is widely recognized for bold and effective strategies to address complex challenges including the escape from extreme poverty, the global battle against human-induced climate change, international debt and financial crises, national...

Anne Krueger

Anne Krueger is the Senior Research Professor of International Economics at the School for Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University. She is also a Senior Fellow of Center for International Development (of which she was the founding Director) and the Herald L. and Caroline Ritch Emeritus Professor of Sciences...

Simon Dixon

Simon Dixon is the CEO & co-founder of online investment platform who have invested over US$170m in FinTech companies. An ex-investment banker turned Bitcoinder & author of the book ‘Bank to the Future’. An active FinTech & Bitcoin angel investor with investments in Bitfinex, BitPay, Unocoin, Kraken, BitPesa,...

Eisuke Sakakibara 榊原 英資

榊原博士は、2010年より青山学院大学の教授です。大蔵省に20年以上にわたって所属し、主に、大蔵省の国際関連で知られています。彼は政府、特に国際金融の分野で幅広い貴重な経験を持っています。政策決定と国際社会の間での合意形成において優れた能力を示し、その通貨市場への影響力から、関係者からは「ミスター円」の愛称で呼ばれています。 彼は日本の民主党にとっての重要な顧問として有名であり、日本の思想的指導者として日本政府に非常に影響力があります。榊原教授は、日本のテレビ番組に頻繁に出演しており、The Economist、The Wall Street Journal、Washington Post、The Nikkei、USA Today、Bloomberg / BusinessWeek、Forbes、BBC、CNBC、その他の主要メディアによっても引用されています。アメリカ、日本、そしてヨーロッパ。また、インド経済研究所の会長も務めています。 榊原教授は、ミシガン大学で経済学の博士号を取得。国際金融の分野における経済学者としての彼の専門知識と能力は、IMFの経済学者としての彼の経験を通して高められました。埼玉大学で政策科学研究所の経済学准教授、ハーバード大学で経済学科の経済学客員准教授を歴任。ミシガン大学からのTaylor賞およびインドネシア共和国政府からのBintang Mahaputra Utamaを含む多数の賞を受賞しています。

Xavier Sala i Martin

Professor Sala-i-Martin is recognized as one of the greatest economists in the world. He teaches at Columbia University and is the Chief Economic Advisor of the Competitiveness Program at the World Economic Forum. He is the author and creator of the prestigious intellectual Global Competitiveness Index (GCI). He is...

Raghuram Rajan

Raghuram Govinda Rajan was the 23rd Governor of the Reserve Bank of India, having taken charge of India’s central banking institution on 4 September 2013, and succeeding Duvvuri Subbarao. He is currently the Vice Chairman of the Bank for International Settlements. Raghuram is currently taking a leave of absense...

Paul Collier

Paul Collier is one of the world’s leading experts on developing markets and financial opportunities within the poorest countries, and an innovative thinker about Europe’s migrant crisis. Collier is Professor of Economics and Public Policy at Oxford University. He is currently advisor to the Strategy and Policy Department of...

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