Nick Bostrom
One of the most important thinkers of our time, Nick Bostrom changes the way we view the big picture—how advances in artificial intelligence and other technologies will reshape the human world, and how present actions affect the future. Nick Bostrom is Professor at Oxford University, where he is the...
Professor David Gann
David Gann is Imperial College’s Vice President, leading Innovation. He is a member of the College’s Executive Board. David is an accomplished university leader, strategist and advocate, renowned for his work on innovation, entrepreneurship and technology management. His academic research spans strategy, management science and systems engineering. His distinctive...
Peter Cochrane
Peter Cochrane is one of the world’s most respected and sought-after speakers on technology, change and the future effects of change on corporations and individuals. He is the former Head of Research at British Telecommunications plc, the UK’s largest telecommunications company. Renowned for his out of the box thinking,...
Elizabeth Linder
Elizabeth Linder specialises in the intersection of societal change and 21st-century leadership from inside the social media revolution, advising global influencers on changing patterns of communications and digital connectivity across more than 40 countries. Throughout her entire career at Google, YouTube, Facebook, and Chatham House, Elizabeth has never held...
Gerd Leonhard
Gerd Leonhard is a well-known Futurist and Author of 5 books, a highly influential Keynote Speaker, Think-Tank Leader & Advisor, and – since late 2011 – the Founder of Gerd also serves as Visiting Professor at the Fundação Dom Cabral (São Paulo, Brazil). He is well-known as the...
Fleur Pellerin, born in 1973, is a French politician, founder of Korelya Capital. She was born in Seoul, South Korea, but abandoned on the streets when she was days old. Ms. Pellerin was eventually adopted by French parents and had a modest upbringing in the suburbs of Paris. Strong...
Jason Ma
As a leading mentor, rainmaker, and speaker, Jason Ma helps shape both next-generation leaders and the G20 private sector. Based in innovative Silicon Valley, Ma is Founder, CEO, and Chief Mentor of ThreeEQ, a premier global business, career, education, and personal success advisory firm that helps client companies, institutions,...
James Bilefield
James is a serial digital entrepreneur, who quit his investment banking day job to build a unique set of technology-based businesses around the world. He scaled Skype’s global activities as part of its founding management team, managed the digital transformation of media group Condé Nast across 27 countries and...
Sir John Sawers is Executive Chairman of Newbridge Advisory, a firm he founded in 2019 to advise corporate leaders on geopolitics and political risk. He is also a Non-Executive Director of BP. Sir John has 36 years of experience in diplomacy and intelligence, culminating in five years as Chief...