Debashis Chatterjee
Professor Debashis Chatterjee has a rich blend of international professional and academic experience in India, the USA, Canada, Europe, Australia, South East Asia and South Africa. Dr. Chatterjee was a Fulbright Fellow at Harvard University and MIT. He was recently a Visiting Fulbright Professor at Harvard University’s Kennedy School...
Tim Beardson
Timothy Beardson founded, majority-owned and ran Crosby, which became the largest independent investment bank in Asia. At its height, Crosby employed 650 staff in 24 offices in 17 cities in 13 countries from New York to Beijing. It had an annual transaction volume of $US 20 billion. It was...
Yukio Hatoyama 鳩山由紀夫
彼は近代民主党としての初代総理大臣でした。鳩山は、アジアを中心とした外交政策を推進するなかで、近隣の東アジア諸国との関係をより良くするよう努めました。また、2020年までに自由貿易圏を拡大し、羽田空港を国際線の24時間ハブとして提案するなど、東アジア地域内の経済統合の深化にも努めました。 中国との関係も鳩山政権下で緩やかになりました。最初の数ヵ月間で、鳩山氏が明人天皇との面会予約を手配し、Xi Jinping による訪問のあと、交換訪問が見られました。日刊読売は歴史的問題についての和解を促進するために両国間の更なる訪問交換に関するハイレベルの議論を報告した。同紙によると、「北京は鳩山に南京を訪問させ、日中戦争に対する後悔の念を表明させることで中国国民の対日感情を和らげることを目的としている」と述べた。 鳩山氏は温室効果ガス排出量の大幅な削減を約束し、2020年までに1990年比で25%の削減を目指すと述べた。目標は他のどの先進国のものよりも野心的でした。彼の講演は国連で歓迎され、気候変動における彼の指導的役割を示しました。彼は1年もみたない期間の首相を務めましたが、就任中には、さまざまな功績をあげました。
Mona Eltahawy
Mona Eltahawy was born in Egypt and has lived in the U.K, Saudi Arabia and Israel and is currently based in New York. She is a board member of the Progressive Muslim Union of North America. She gained American citizenship in 2011. She is an award-winning New York-based journalist...
Supachai Panitchpakdi
Dr. Supachai Panitchpakdi began his four-year term as Secretary-General of UNCTAD on 1 September 2005, following his appointment by the UN General Assembly. He was appointed for a second term in September 2009, and stepped down from his post in August of 2013. Dr. Supachai previously served as Director-General...
Lim Siong Guan
Lim Siong Guan was appointed Group President of GIC in September 2007. The GIC manages the financial reserves of the Singapore government. He was Chairman of the Singapore Economic Development Board from October 2006 to June 2009. The Board is the Singapore government’s lead agency for planning and executing...
Lord Nicholas Stern
Nicholas Stern (Lord Stern) is a globally recognised economist, and one the world’s leading authorities on climate change, international development and global economic growth. Lord Stern is IG Patel Professor of Economics and Government at London School of Economics, and Head of the India Observatory and Chairman of the...
James Rickards
James Rickards is the Editor of Strategic Intelligence, a financial newsletter, and Director of The James Rickards Project, an enquiry into the complex dynamics of geopolitics and global capital. Rickards is the author of three New York Times best sellers, The Road to Ruin, The Death of Money, and...
Hellmut Schutte
Professor Hellmut Schütte joined INSEAD’s faculty in 1981 after a successful career in the areas of marketing and investment banking covering a period of 11 years. As Senior Affiliate Professor of International Management, he teaches and does research in the area of international business and international marketing with a...
Diane Wei Liang
Diane Wei Liang is al best-selling author, China expert and former award-winning professor of business in the USA and the UK. She has toured around the world speaking about the development of modern China. She was the subject of a BBC documentary, Peschardt’s People, and a Kalturzeit documentary by...