
< Speaker Topics Showing 121 - 130 of 393 results

Malene Rydahl

Malene Rydahl has 18 years of experience in the corporate world, most recently as Director of Corporate Communication for Hyatt Hotels & Resorts in EAME. She was listed as one of the “24 Women of the Year” in 2012 by the French magazine L’Express. Prior to her time with...

Costas Markides

Costas Markides is Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship and holds the Robert P. Bauman Chair of Strategic Leadership at the London Business School. He serves on the Editorial Boards of several academic journals and is on the Board of Directors of the Strategic Management Society. Costas Markides was a...

Chantal Petitclerc

Determination, perseverance, discipline. These three qualities truly capture the strength and character of the great Canadian athlete, Olympian and wheelchair race specialist, Chantal Petitclerc. A paraplegic from the age of 13, Chantal discovered a passion for sports while seeking a physical activity suited to her post-accident condition. Wheelchair racing...

Miles Hilton-Barber

Miles grew up in Zimbabwe with normal sight, dreaming of one day becoming a fighter pilot like his father. At 18, Miles applied to join the Royal Rhodesian Air Force, but to his utter disappointment he failed the eyesight medical. Then at 21, both Miles and his brother Geoff...

Jo Malone

Having established herself as an icon within the perfume industry, it’s evident that Jo Malone has an abundance of business ability and entrepreneurial qualities that are desirable for many in the corporate world. As a sufferer of severe dyslexia, Malone left the educational system at the age of 15...

Azran Osman-Rani

As someone who has built and continues to build businesses and lead teams from start-up to IPO, Azran passionately believes that organisations and corporations can deploy similar structures, focus and creativity that single-minded entrepreneurs have used to create break-through business models and innovative products and services.   Azran is...

Sarah Willingham

Sarah Willingham was born on 21st December 1973. She grew up in Stoke on Trent and was fascinated by business and food from an early age. She was particularly interested in brands and recalls, ‘I was intrigued by how brands become household names, although I didn’t know it as...

Paul Keating

Paul Keating was Prime Minister of Australia from 1991-1996. Keating became Finance Minister in 1983, a position he held until 1991. This role saw Mr Keating implement economic reforms that assisted the expansion of the Australian economy which included the progressive deregulation of the financial sector, the float of the...

Michael Jordaan

Michael Jordaan, venture capitalist and wine enthusiast, stepped down as CEO of First National Bank (FNB) one of SA’s largest banks with a customer base of nearly nine million, in 2013 to pursue his passion for entrepreneurship. The former banker now heads up a private investment company, Montegray Capital...

Sonja Piontek

Sonja is a visionary, unconventional and highly inspiring executive with years of international experience in branding, marketing and strategy. She is passionate about building brands, creating unforgettable experiences and growing businesses. Sonja has vast experience in Asia as well as working and dealing with HNWI (high net worth individuals)....

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