
< Speaker Topics Showing 171 - 180 of 393 results

Jorge Quiroga

Jorge Fernando “Tuto” Quiroga Ramírez was President of Bolivia from August 7, 2001 to August 6, 2002. Jorge is a 1981 graduate of Texas A&M University, with a degree in industrial engineering, becoming the first head of state from that university. He went on to be a self-declared “corporate...

Christian Busch

Prof. Dr. Christian Busch is a world-leading expert on innovation, purpose-driven leadership, and cultivating serendipity. He directs the CGA Global Economy Program at New York University, and also teaches at the London School of Economics. Previously, he co-directed the LSE’s Innovation Lab and co-founded the Sandbox Network, a global community...

Yashwant Sinha

Yashwant Sinha is India’s former Finance Minister 1990-91 and 1998-2002, and former Minister of External Affairs 2002-04. He is credited by many with transforming the Indian economy. Sinha is well respected nationally and internationally for his insights into India’s economy, and India’s foreign affairs. He is the buoyant voice...

Barbara Cassani

Barbara Cassani is an American business woman who created British Airways’ no-frills Go airline. From an initial investment of £25m she steered Go through a £110m management buyout (backed by 3i) and remained as CEO until the sale to easyJet for £374m five years later. A former Veuve Clicquot...

Heizo Takenaka 竹中平蔵

竹中平蔵教授は、2001年、小泉内閣の経済財政大臣就任を皮切りに金融担当大臣、郵政民営化担当大臣、総務および通信大臣などを歴任。彼は世界的に著名なな経済学者です。 竹中は小泉首相と緊密に協力して、小泉 – 竹中改革という一連の改革を行った。この間、当時世界最大の金融機関である日本郵便貯金「ゆうちょ」を改革し民営化した。これに先立ち、彼は日本の主要銀行の不良債権の処分を達成し、それは10年以上にわたり日本経済を妨げてきた。 彼の就任期間中、実質GDPは平均2.2%上昇し、投資家の前向きな見方から、日本企業の株価は平均ベースで80%以上上昇。竹中は公的資金の再構築に努力し、2002年に割り当てられた28兆円から2006年には6兆円へと一次収支の大幅な改善をもたらしました。貯蓄の総額は、消費税の9%増と同じになります。 彼の経歴の初期、ハーバード大学とペンシルバニア大学の両方で客員研究員として学術的キャリアを始める以前、日本開発銀行に入社しました。竹中は1998年に経済戦略会議 (首相への経済政策に関する諮問委員会) のメンバー、そして2000年にはIT戦略会議 (首相へのIT政策に関する諮問委員会) のメンバーに任命されました。 大臣を経て、竹中は学界に戻りました。現在は慶應義塾大学の名誉教授として、東洋大学教授テレビやラジオに定期的に出演しています。また、次の機関を含めたいくつかの諮問委員会および委員会委員も務めている。(社) 日本経済研究センター (JCER) 研究顧問、アカデミーヒルズのダイレクター、パソナグループ会長。オリックス社外取締役,SBIホールディングス社外取締役, 世界経済フォーラム(ダボス会議)理事等。

Molly Harvey

Molly Harvey is a Leading Authority on Leadership and Culture Change, who set up her first business from an attic bedroom in 1993. She is recognised for her no nonsense, thought provoking approach, speaking from the heart and from her personal experience. A key part of her experience is...

Sir Peter Westmacott

Sir Peter Westmacott was British Ambassador to the United States from 2012-16. Prior to his position in the United States, Sir Peter served as Ambassador to France from 2007-12, and Ambassador to Turkey from 2002-06 where, in 2003, he dealt with a suicide bomb attack directed at the British...

Rita Clifton

Rita Clifton CBE has been called ‘The doyenne of branding’ by Campaign magazine, ‘Brand guru’ by the Financial Times, and the Daily Telegraph described her as ‘The Brand Leading the Brands’. She is one of the world’s leading experts on brands and branding, and is a speaker, facilitator, writer,...

Nayla Al Khaja

Nayla Al Khaja is the first female film Director/Producer in the United Arab Emirates. CEO of Nayla Al Khaja Films (previously D-Seven Motion Pictures), she founded in 2007 The Scene Club, Dubai’s first film club, which now counts over 22,000 registered members. Al Khaja wrote and directed several films,...

Lynne Franks OBE

Lynne Franks is recognised as one of the world’s top experts in PR & Branding; Women’s Engagement and Consumer Trends Prediction. She is an experienced speaker on international platforms on sustainability, conscious business practices, circular economy and systems; stakeholder communication and women’s leadership in community, business and the post-covid...

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