
< Speaker Topics Showing 191 - 200 of 228 results

Gerard Lyons

Dr Gerard Lyons is one of the UK’s leading economists. He played a leading role in the UK Referendum Campaign, being co-founder of ‘Economists for Brexit’. As a leading City economist and a former board member of The CityUK he was strongly of the view that Brexit would be...

Lord Nicholas Stern

Nicholas Stern (Lord Stern) is a globally recognised economist, and one the world’s leading authorities on climate change, international development and global economic growth. Lord Stern is IG Patel Professor of Economics and Government at London School of Economics, and Head of the India Observatory and Chairman of the...

Richard Mullender

After military service and time in the private sector, Richard joined the Metropolitan police. He worked as a detective investigating serious crimes. Then one life-changing day he trained to become a hostage negotiator.His skills were so well regarded that he was appointed Lead Trainer at Scotland Yard’s National Hostage...

Diane Wei Liang

Diane Wei Liang is al best-selling author, China expert and former award-winning professor of business in the USA and the UK. She has toured around the world speaking about the development of modern China. She was the subject of a BBC documentary, Peschardt’s People, and a Kalturzeit documentary by...

Philippe Bourguignon

Philippe is a partner of Revolution, created by Steve Case to invest and build disruptive, innovative companies that offer more choice, convenience, and control for both consumers and businesses. He is responsible for a portfolio of company’s where Revolution has invested: Vinfolio, Framebridge, BusBud, SRS Acquiom and Cava Grill....

Rajeev Gowda

Professor Rajeev Gowda studied economics and political science at St. Joseph’s College, Bangalore. Gowda holds a PhD in Public Policy and Management from Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, USA. He was also a Post- Doctoral Fellow in Law and Economics from University of Berkeley, California. In 1991, Gowda was...

Pascal Lamy

Pascal Lamy served two terms as Director General of the World Trade Organization (WTO) from September 2005 to September 2013. He is Honorary President of the Paris-based think tank, Notre Europe. He graduated from the Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales (HEC) in Paris, the Institut d’Etudes Politiques (IEP) and...

Roger Fisk

Roger Fisk is the political campaign, marketing and media strategist widely credited with playing a key behind-the-scenes role in the back-to-back electoral victories of US President Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012. He was heavily involved in these game-changing campaigns which are regarded as the best run presidential campaigns...

Andrey Vladimirovich Kozyrev

Andrey Kozyrev was Foreign Minister of Russia under President Boris Yeltsin from 1991-96. Andrey stood by Yeltsin against the hard-line coup and flew to Paris to set up a government in exile when the plotters had not failed within a few days. He later took part in the December...

Igor Ivanov

Igor S. Ivanov is a professor at Moscow State Institute for International Relations. Previously, he served as Minister of Foreign Affairs, from 1998 to 2004, and secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation from 2004 to 2007. Ivanov holds the rank of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary. He...

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