
< Speaker Topics Showing 71 - 80 of 228 results

Juan Verde

Juan Verde is a business and social entrepreneur as well as a renowned international advisor to governments and companies. In 2009, Verde was appointed by Barack Obama as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Europe and Eurasia at the US Department of Commerce where he served until 2012.  In this capacity,...

Rageh Omaar

Rageh Omaar, one of the most recognised TV foreign correspondents in the country, is International Affairs Editor of ITV News in the UK, which has a regular daily audience of 8 million people. He has one of the biggest international profiles of British TV journalists, having been a prominent...

Jean-Claude Trichet

Jean-Claude Trichet is one of the world’s most respected Central Bankers. He was President of the European Central Bank (2003-11) and President of the Bank of France (1993-2003). He is currently Honorary Governor of the Bank of France, holds the position of Chairman of the Group of Thirty, Chairman...

Gesine Schwan

Gesine Schwan, born in Berlin in 1943, comes from a socially active parent’s house belonging to protestant and socialistic opposition groups during the Nazism and standing up for the friendship with France and Poland after the war. After her A-Levels in 1962, she studies Roman Languages, History, Philosophy and...

Peer Steinbrueck

Peer Steinbrück was Finance Minister of Germany from 2005 to 2009, in the government of Chancellor Angela Merkel. Peer took responsibility for a number of difficult and unpopular decisions during the economic crisis, which were intended to help the economy in the long term. After his graduation in economics...

Howard Dean

Governor Howard Dean, former DNC Chairman, presidential candidate, six term Governor and physician, currently works as a part time independent consultant focusing on the areas of health care, early childhood development, alternative energy and the expansion of grassroots politics around the world. Dean is a contributor to the news...

Alexei Kudrin

Alexei Kudrin was the Minister of Finance in Russia from 2000-2011, the longest-serving Finance Minister in post-Soviet Russia. He also served as Deputy Prime Minister from 2000–04 and again beginning in 2007. As Finance Minister, Kudrin was widely credited with prudent fiscal management, commitment to tax and budget reform...

Romano Prodi

Romano Prodi served as President of the Council of Ministers (Prime Minister) of Italy twice, from 1996-1998 and 2006-2008. He became President of the European Commission at a time of crisis, from 1999-2004. On 12 September 2008, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon selected Prodi as president of the African...

Joan Laporta

Joan Laporta is the former President of Barcelona Football Club. In 2003 a new generation of young and dynamic directors came to FC Barcelona and generated a real shake-up. They aimed to strengthen the club economically and socially and prepare the ground for a winning team that would nurture...

Mick Cornett

Mick Cornett was the mayor of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, United States, having served in that position since 2004. He was the first mayor in Oklahoma City history to be elected to four terms and was the longest-serving mayor among the 50 largest cities in America. One of Cornett’s most...

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