Muhammad Yunus
Professor Muhammad Yunus is the founder and Managing Director of Grameen Bank which provides micro-credit to millions of poor people in Bangladesh. In 2006 he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. What if you could harness the power of the free market to solve the problems of poverty, hunger,...
Fritjof Capra
Fritjof Capra is the author of six international bestsellers and a founding director of the Centre for Ecoliteracy in Berkeley, California. The Centre advances schooling for sustainability; its most recent book on this growing movement in K-12 schools is Smart by Nature: Schooling for Sustainability (2009). Dr. Capra is...
Deborah Henry
A wholesome blend of East and West with Asian and Irish roots, Deborah Henry spent much of her teenage years on a bullet train to stardom, journeying from modelville to university, to beauty pageants, charities and the media forefront, becoming the woman she is today – Miss World &...
Sanduk Ruit
Cataracts, bane of the aging, are like clouds that gather over the eyes. They are the most common cause of blindness in Asia. In Nepal alone some half a million people are affected, the majority of whom live in remote areas where the curse of blindness is magnified by...
Jon Duschinsky
Jon Duschinsky is one of the world’s leading thinkers and speakers on engagement, leadership and the future of business. As the CEO of The Conversation Farm, Duschinsky leads a global team of creative talent that brings fresh ideas designed to change the way people talk about issues, causes and...
Robert Swan
Robert Swan, is one of the world’s preeminent polar explorers and environmental leaders. By the age of 33, Robert became the first person to walk to both the North and South Poles, earning his place in history alongside the great explorers and adventurers. His 900 mile journey to the...
Malvika Iyer
Dr. Malvika Iyer is an Award-winning Disability Rights Activist with a Doctorate in Social Work. She is the recipient of the “Nari Shakti Puraskar”, the Highest Civilian Honor for Women from the President of India. Iyer is an International Motivational Speaker, a TEDx Speaker, a member of the United...
Nigel Jeremy
Nigel Jeremy BSc, MIPD, ACIB has led the L&D and recruitment functions for companies including HBOS, Vodafone and EasyJet. In 2009, he moved to the lead the Learning, Recruitment and Organisation Development functions for Marks and Spencer plc. operating across 55 countries. During this time, M&S was voted most...
Jack Szostak
Jack Szostak is a biologist, Nobel Prize laureate, Professor of Genetics at Harvard Medical School and Alexander Rich Distinguished Investigator at Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston. Szostak has made significant contributions to the field of genetics. His achievements have helped scientists to map the location of genes in mammals as...
Jung Chang
Jung Chang was born in Yibin, Sichuan Province, China, in 1952. During the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976) she worked as a peasant, a “barefoot” doctor, a steelworker, and an electrician before becoming an English-language student and, later, an assistant lecturer at Sichuan University. She left China for Britain in 1978...