Beau Lotto
Beau Lotto is a globally renowned neuro-scientist who specialises in perception research, and has for years wowed the world of science with work that blurs the boundaries between neuro¬science and the arts. As well as bending the science of perception, he is also trying to transform the way people...
Howard Dean
Governor Howard Dean, former DNC Chairman, presidential candidate, six term Governor and physician, currently works as a part time independent consultant focusing on the areas of health care, early childhood development, alternative energy and the expansion of grassroots politics around the world. Dean is a contributor to the news...
Sony Kapoor
Sony Kapoor is Managing Director of Re-Define and is also Visiting Fellow at the London School of Economics. He was elected Chairman of the Banking Stakeholder Group of the European Banking Authority in mid-2011. During 2011 Sony was a Visiting Fellow at the European Commission dealing with economic governance,...
Michael Gove
Michael Gove served as Secretary of State for Education from 2010-14 and Secretary of State for Justice from 2015-16. Anthony Seldon, David Cameron’s biographer, regarded Gove as the Cameron government’s most ‘effective minister.’ As Secretary of State for Education, Gove introduced the most sweeping reforms of the UK education...
Jean-Louis Servan-Schreiber
Jean-Louis Servan-Schreiber is a journalist of contemporary human, economic and social issues in both the print and broadcast media. He is presently the editor and publisher of the French bi-monthly magazine CLES. Previously, he was publisher and editor-in-chief of Psychologies magazine which appeared in ten countries. Before that he...
Guillaume Nery
Guillaume grew up by the Mediterranean Sea, in Nice. As a child, he used to go diving every summer with his flippers and mask, accompanied by his father, to discover the wonders of the underwater world. At the age of 14, he and a friend took up a challenge:...
Tetsunari Iida 飯田哲也
飯田徹成博士は、東京に本部を置く非営利の独立系研究所である持続可能エネルギー政策研究所 (ISEP) の事務局長です。日本政府の原子力事故防止委員会および全エネルギー研究委員会のメンバーで、持続可能なエネルギー政策に焦点を当てています。 日本では「ミスターエネルギーシフト」として知られています。過去5年間、日本のトップオピニオンリーダーの一人であり、特に再生可能エネルギーに焦点を当てた「新世代のエネルギー政策」を推進してきました。非営利で独立した立場としての仕事以外に、経済産業大臣および国家環境評議会メンバーとして、環境省の「エネルギー政策」および「再生可能エネルギー政策」の政府委員にも任命されています。 2011年9月、飯田氏は、再生可能エネルギーの導入に対する障害を分析し、新しい日本政府に政策推奨を提供するために、世界中から約100人の専門家を集める日本再生可能エネルギー財団を立ち上げました。 彼の経歴には、日本の原子力産業における研究者・エンジニアとしての仕事、そして電力供給部門と原子力官界両方における政策コーディネーターとしての仕事が含まれます。 彼の最近の著書には、『北欧のエネルギーデモクラシー』、『「原子力ムラ」を超えて―ポスト福島のエネルギー政策』が含まれています。
Bjorn Lomborg
Bjorn Lomborg is an associate professor of statistics in the Department of Political Science at the University of Aarhus. In 1998 he published four lengthy articles about the state of our environment in the leading Danish newspaper, which resulted in a firestorm debate spanning over 400 articles in major...
Raul Krauthausen
Raul Krauthausen is an award-winning communication manager, and designer of innovative social projects. He has worked for more than 10 years in the internet and media business world. Since 2010 Raul has been involved in the development of the internet platform, an open and free online map for...
Jack Sim
Jack Sim is the founder of World Toilet Organisation and the Base of Pyramid (BoP) Hub. He is a leading global advocate for sanitation. The World Toilet Organization promotes sound sanitation and public health policies. The organization envisions itself as a de facto global body that champions better toilet...