Elizabeth Linder
Elizabeth Linder specialises in the intersection of societal change and 21st-century leadership from inside the social media revolution, advising global influencers on changing patterns of communications and digital connectivity across more than 40 countries. Throughout her entire career at Google, YouTube, Facebook, and Chatham House, Elizabeth has never held...
Randi Zuckerberg
Randi Zuckerberg is an entrepreneur, investor, bestselling author, and Emmy-nominated tech media personality. She is the founder and CEO of Zuckerberg Media, with the mission of supporting current and future entrepreneurs through investment, mentorship, and media. Prior to founding her own company, Randi was an early employee at...
Deniz Ulke Aribogan
Deniz Ulke Aribogan is a Professor of International Relations at Istanbul University and a Senior Fellow of CRIC (Center for the Resolution of Intractable Conflict) at the University of Oxford. She was previously the Rector of Bahcesehir University from 2007-10. She lectures at Istanbul University, Istanbul Bilgi University, the Turkish...
Piers Linney
With passions for business and innovation coursing through his veins from a young age, Piers Linney, Co-CEO of world leading Cloud Service Provider Outsourcery plc, is a pioneering serial entrepreneur with a blue chip background in venture capital law, corporate finance and fund management. Since the day he cut...
Fleur Pellerin, born in 1973, is a French politician, founder of Korelya Capital. She was born in Seoul, South Korea, but abandoned on the streets when she was days old. Ms. Pellerin was eventually adopted by French parents and had a modest upbringing in the suburbs of Paris. Strong...
Neil Harbisson
Neil Harbisson is a Catalan-raised, British-born contemporary artist and cyborg activist best known for having an antenna implanted in his skull and for being officially recognised as a cyborg by a government. The antenna allows him to perceive visible and invisible colours such as infrareds and ultraviolet via sound...
James Rubin
James Rubin is an internationally renowned foreign affairs journalist, academic, and world-leading authority on U.S. diplomatic, national security and foreign policy. In September 2014, he joined The Sunday Times as a columnist. Rubin served under President Clinton as Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs and Chief Spokesman for...
Sir John Sawers is Executive Chairman of Newbridge Advisory, a firm he founded in 2019 to advise corporate leaders on geopolitics and political risk. He is also a Non-Executive Director of BP. Sir John has 36 years of experience in diplomacy and intelligence, culminating in five years as Chief...
Javier Solana
Javier Solana is a leading diplomat, who served as Secretary-General of the Council of the European Union, Secretary-General of the Western European Union and European High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the EU (1999-2009), as well as Secretary-General of NATO (1995-9) and Spanish Minister of...
James Bilefield
James is a serial digital entrepreneur, who quit his investment banking day job to build a unique set of technology-based businesses around the world. He scaled Skype’s global activities as part of its founding management team, managed the digital transformation of media group Condé Nast across 27 countries and...