
< Speaker Topics Showing 91 - 100 of 170 results

Janina Kugel

Janina Kugel has dedicated her career to preaching the importance of change and investing in the education of people to solve the biggest challenges in the world of business. To make this passion a reality, Janina has worked a successful career in HR, investing in the talents of employees...

Gro Harlem Brundtland

Considered the “mother” of sustainable development, Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland attributes her passions for public health, the environment, and political activism to her father, a doctor and cabinet minister. At the tender age of seven, Dr. Brundtland joined the children’s organisation of Norway’s Labour Party, and has been a...

Ilaria Capua

An internationally renowned virologist, Dr. Ilaria Capua’s unwavering passion and unique training led her to also serve as a Member of the Italian Parliament from 2013 to 2016. Dr. Ilaria Capua, DVM, PhD is a veterinarian by training and for over 30 years she has led research groups in...

Claudia Olsson

Claudia Olsson, newly appointed Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum, is the founder and CEO of Exponential AB, a global consultancy specialized in providing strategic advice, analysis and professional development related to the digital transformation. Claudia is one of the Nordic region’s most sought-after speakers on exponential...

Julia Chatterley

Julia Chatterley is an anchor and correspondent for CNN International based in New York. She anchors First Move with Julia Chatterley live from the floor of the New York Stock Exchange weekdays at 9am ET on CNN International. Chatterley has been instrumental in CNN’s coverage of many major global business stories...

Theresa Payton

As one of the nation’s most respected authorities on cybersecurity, Theresa Payton is also a highly sought-after AI keynote speaker. She captivates audiences by drawing from her experience as a veteran cybercrime fighter and entrepreneur, masterfully blending memorable anecdotes with cutting-edge insights. She identifies emerging trends and techniques to...

Sophie Bostock

Sophie Bostock, is a Sleep Evangelist on a mission: to help millions of people to help improve their health and performance, by unlocking the science of sleep and circadian rhythms. Bostock has always been intrigued by what makes us feel good and perform at our best. Following degrees in...

Eileen Burbidge

Eileen Burbidge is a Partner at Passion Capital, the pre-eminent early-stage technology venture fund based in London. She brings extensive operational experience to her investment activities gleaned from business and product roles at Yahoo!, Skype, Apple and elsewhere. On behalf of Passion, Eileen serves as non-executive director on a...

Lindsay Herbert

Lindsay Herbert is author of Digital Transformation, a Bloomsbury business book, which has received international praise for its inspiring examples of innovation and practical framework for how to drive real change in any organisation. Herbert is also an Inventor and Digital Transformation Leader at IBM, where she leads major...

Maayke-Aimée Damen

Maayke-Aimée Damen (MSc. honor) is a pioneer in circular economy and sustainability: she has been working towards reducing waste through various companies and projects. She takes her inspiration from nature to reform economic and industrial systems. With her passion for sustainability, sharp intellect and strong will, she has become...

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