‘I would like to live in a world where we’re all privileged’
PUBLISHED ON 15th Oct 2017
The economist Yanis Varoufakis was the finance minister in Greece for six tumultuous months in 2015, before resigning from the Syriza government. Last year he launched the Democracy in Europe Movement 2025 (DiEM25). He is also the author of several books...

Singapore should now aim to be First World society: Lim Siong Guan
PUBLISHED ON 11th Oct 2017
Having developed a First World economy, Singapore should now seek to cultivate a First World society - one marked by graciousness towards one another, said former head of civil service Lim Siong Guan at a lecture last night.

In Six Billion Shoppers, Porter Erisman decodes how e-commerce is evolving in emerging economies
PUBLISHED ON 28th Sep 2017
Author Porter Erisman believes e-commerce can unleash the entrepreneurial potential of India and lift millions out of poverty, just as it has in China.

Gurmit Singh gets serious – as hospice ambassador
PUBLISHED ON 26th Sep 2017
The last time actor-host Gurmit Singh visited a hospice in the 1990s, it was to meet a fan stricken by terminal illness who was living out his last days at the facility.