Frank-Jurgen Richter
As one of the world’s significant voices upon corporate globalization and Asian business, Dr. Frank-Jürgen Richter influences major business and governmental decisions with his public comments. With his management consulting company Horasis, he assists multinational corporations to craft strategies to develop into real global champions. In his book Tigers...
Virginie Raisson
Virginie Raisson is a French analyst and researcher on international relations. Together with Jean-Christophe Victor, she runs LEPAC, a laboratory for geopolitics and foresight that they founded in 1992. As a university graduate in history, international relations and geopolitics, and a former expert to the European Union, Virginie Raisson...
Simon Fraser
Simon Fraser recently completed five years as Permanent Secretary at the UK Foreign Office (FCO) and Head of the UK Diplomatic Service. This crowned a public service career in which he also served as Permanent Secretary at the UK Business Department and in Brussels as Chief of Staff to...
Greg Lindsay
Greg Lindsay is a journalist, urbanist, futurist, and speaker. He is a contributing writer for Fast Company, author of the forthcoming book Engineering Serendipity, and co-author of Aerotropolis: The Way We’ll Live Next. He is also a senior fellow of the New Cities Foundation — where he leads the...
Farah Pandith
Farah Pandith is a foreign policy strategist, author, and diplomacy entrepreneur. She has served three American Presidents. Farah’s career in government earned her various awards including the Secretary of State’s Distinguished Honor Award. She has served at the National Security Council, the US Department of State and the US...
Klaus Wowereit
Klaus Wowereit was the Governing Mayor of Berlin from 2001-14. He was the face of the German capital for more than 13 years and is credited with giving it a “poor, but sexy” brand internationally. Wowereit was born in Berlin in 1953 and studied law at the Free University...
Martin Roll
Martin Roll is a world-renowned thought-leader, global business strategist and senior advisor to Fortune 100 and prominent business families on the most important issues in managing successful global businesses and exercising great leadership. In a hyper connected and fast-paced, digitalized world, he counsels an impressive global client base on...
Chris Weafer
Chris Weafer is recognised as an international authority on the Russian and CIS economies. He is senior partner with Macro Advisory, a Moscow based consultancy providing bespoke research services to macro hedge funds, venture capital investors and foreign companies looking at investment opportunities in Russia and Central Asia. Weafer...
Carl Bildt
Carl Bildt has served as both Prime Minister (1991-94) and Foreign Minister (2006-2014) of Sweden. During the first period his government initiated major liberal economic reforms, as well as negotiated and signed membership agreement with the European Union. The reform period in the early and mid-1990’s is generally seen...
Chris Patten
Christopher Francis Patten was born in 1944, educated in London and at Balliol College, Oxford. After completing his degree in Modern History he won a Coolidge Travelling Scholarship to the United States. Chris Patten worked in the Cabinet Office as political secretary to Lord Carrington and Lord Whitelaw and...