Philippe Douste-Blazy
Philippe Douste-Blazy is a United Nations official and former French centre-right politician. He has been Under-Secretary-General, Special Adviser on Innovative Financing for Development in the United Nations since 2008 and chairman of UNITAID since 2007. UNITAID is an international organization which aims to help developing countries with access to...
Heizo Takenaka
Professor Heizo Takenaka joined Prime Minister Koizumi’s Government in 2001. During this time, he became Minister for Economic and Fiscal Policy, and then the Minister for Financial Services. He also became the Minister for Privatisation of the Postal Services and the Minister for both Internal Affairs and Communication. He...
Peer Steinbrueck
Peer Steinbrück was Finance Minister of Germany from 2005 to 2009, in the government of Chancellor Angela Merkel. Peer took responsibility for a number of difficult and unpopular decisions during the economic crisis, which were intended to help the economy in the long term. After his graduation in economics...
Jose Luis Zapatero
The twice-elected President of the Spanish Government, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, has been a major force in the deep social changes in Spain and in the first line of the anti-crisis measures both in Europe and in Spain. Known also for his international work in favour of world peace...
Ning Zhu
Ning Zhu is a Deputy Dean and Professor of Finance at the Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance (SAIF), Shanghai JiaoTong University, and a Special Term Professor of Finance at University of California and at GuangHua School of Management at Beijing University. He is also a faculty fellow at the...
Tim Harford
Tim Harford is a world renowned behavioural economist and award-winning Financial Times columnist. Frequently described as ‘Britain’s Malcolm Gladwell,’ his first two books, The Logic of Life and The Undercover Economist, have been translated into 30 languages and sold well over a million copies. He is also presenter of...
Jean-Claude Trichet
Jean-Claude Trichet is one of the world’s most respected Central Bankers. He was President of the European Central Bank (2003-11) and President of the Bank of France (1993-2003). He is currently Honorary Governor of the Bank of France, holds the position of Chairman of the Group of Thirty, Chairman...
Sony Kapoor
Sony Kapoor is Managing Director of Re-Define and is also Visiting Fellow at the London School of Economics. He was elected Chairman of the Banking Stakeholder Group of the European Banking Authority in mid-2011. During 2011 Sony was a Visiting Fellow at the European Commission dealing with economic governance,...
Howard Dean
Governor Howard Dean, former DNC Chairman, presidential candidate, six term Governor and physician, currently works as a part time independent consultant focusing on the areas of health care, early childhood development, alternative energy and the expansion of grassroots politics around the world. Dean is a contributor to the news...
Yasheng Huang
Yasheng Huang is an associate professor in the area of international management at the MIT Sloan School of Management. He joined MIT in 2003. His previous appointments include assistant professor at the University of Michigan, associate professor at Harvard University, and consultant to the World Bank. Professor Huang’s research...