Anthony Stears became known as the ‘Telephone Assassin’ for his extraordinary ability to talk through barriers, to open doors, find opportunities and cultivate new relationships. He is a leading expert on telemarketing and his approach is particularly effective for cultivating those low volume, high value sales leads that are not normally responsive to cold calls.

In a world led by digital technology the art of conversation and building relationships verbally is eroded daily by the ever increasing numbers of text messages and emails. Anthony brings traditional methods of business back to life, by giving his clients confidence to pick up the phone and encourages his audience to stop hiding behind their emails and social media.

Not realising just how many people are daunted by picking up the phone to a potential customer, calling someone to deliver bad news, or addressing an awkward situation/customer, Anthony is often approached to tailor specific classes and he also developed a range of mini master-classes that would help people to avoid rejection, get past the gatekeeper, perfect their pitch and build rapport fast.

Working closely with clients to engage and delight their ideal customers he started out making calls for a huge range of businesses. Finding himself driving sales targets for 5 different companies all at the same time, he realised he needed a more effective technique in order to be able to manage a growing list of clients. After working closely with an NLP master trainer he was well equipped to teach and train large teams and individuals within SME and corporates to generate lead, make conversion and impact the bottom-line for themselves. This was the start of a successful career that eventually led to the creation of his now hugely popular Telemarketing Masterclass.


Engaging customers and prospects in the right way brings huge value to both parties. Helping business to find more opportunities and converting more enquires in to sales. His 3 stage process of lacing sales and marketing together in seamless harmony will give you relevant, ‘implement today’ strategies to boost your return on effort. Learn how to create a ‘credibility library’ to deploy as your most powerful tool of persuasion and understand the difference between ‘selling’ and ‘relating’ to prospects and how that difference will increase your conversions. Anthony doesn’t teach people how to sell (Live demo included), but simply shows them how to help their customers to buy. In his session he will cover:

  • Ways to stay motivated when making calls
  • The importance of prospect management
  • Techniques for closing more appointments
  • "The art" of a perfect follow up call
