Corinna Wohlfeil knows as a former banker outstanding on the stock exchange from, from which they "Markets in the morning" and "Telebörse" reported in their daily n-tv newscasts. After high school and university with a focus on banking, the native Ratzeburgerin initially worked as an investment advisor at Deutsche Bank. Your employer recognizes soon well Feils talent for moderation and making it to the trainer for professional and personal training in finance from. From then on she shouldered banker colleagues and makes managers fit for public appearances. She is convinced that a good presentation is essential for business success and know what mistakes you should avoid it. As the German bank in 1997 a private business TV is founded, it brings Corinna cheapness as a project manager and presenter before the camera. Four years later she changed as a presenter and editor for news channel n-tv and accepts the exchange program "Markets in the morning" and "Telebörse". Since 2004 she has been managing editor at n-tv. The financial expert is in great demand as a presenter of corporate events. Its customers include both large commercial enterprises as well as professional associations and chambers of commerce.