Khairy Jamaluddin most recently served as Minister of Health Malaysia. Prior to that, he was Minister of Science, Technology, and Innovation and Minister of Youth and Sports.

During his tenure as the Minister of Health, Khairy Jamaluddin played a significant role in Malaysia’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic by leading the digital transformation of the healthcare system, making healthcare services more accessible and efficient, including telemedicine and digital health platforms.

During his tenure as Minister of Science, Technology, and Innovation, Khairy worked relentlessly to vaccinate the Malaysian population through mega vaccination centres across the nation, mobile vaccination units in rural areas, battling CoVid-19 misinformation and rallying volunteer groups to come together to assist the nation resulting in Malaysia recording one of the highest rate of vaccine doses administered in the world.

Prior to entering government, Khairy Jamaluddin started out his career as a hard-hitting journalist and articulate presenter for a political talk show called Dateline Malaysia. The programme was meant to encourage Malaysians to speak up about their views on certain political affairs.

Apart from his career in journalism, he worked as a policy aide, investment banker and entrepreneur. He was Chairman of Malaysia’s National Entrepreneur Development Corporation, Deputy President of the Football Association of Malaysia and Commander of the 508 Territorial Army Regiment of Malaysia. He was also the Co-Founder of The Centre, a think tank dedicated to the promotion of centrist thought.

Khairy is now a well-known public speaker and commentator on political and economic issues. He has written extensively on Malaysian politics and global affairs, widely regarded as one of the leading voices in Malaysia.

Khairy studied in Oxford University and University College London (UCL) in the UK. He graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE) at St Hugh's College and later a master’s degree in Legal and Political Theory at University College London (UCL).


  • Crisis Management
  • Transformation
  • Leadership
  • Youth Empowerment
  • Resilience