
Showing 81 - 90 of 138 results

Five Reasons Why ONE Championship Is Crushing The MMA Market

Earlier today, ONE Championship, an Asian sports media company, announced they’ve just secured equity investment from Sequoia Capital, which now brings their total funding to $100 million USD.

The World’s First Leadership AI Lab

Tommy Weir is the author of the bestselling, Leadership Dubai Style and advises CEOs around the world on how to improve their leadership in order to achieve rapid growth. Emerging Markets Leadership Center has now launched its latest project: the world’s first leadership Artificial Intelligence lab in Dubai. Its...

Former Red Bull boss: Sugar tax is a stroke of luck

FORMER Red Bull marketing chief Huib van Bockel has declared the launch of his new natural energy drink could not have been timed any better as the UK Government prepares to introduce the so-called sugar tax.

You’ll Never Walk Again — She Was Told, But She Did

Now a performance coach and motivational speaker, Ms Karina Hollekim says her accident has given her a “perspective I don’t want to be without”. “It may be a cliche but adversity makes us better people. We need that to remind ourselves what a good life we have and to...

Life Beyond Fear: Karina Hollekim

Never say no to a challenge! Success is not final, failure is not fatal – it is the courage to continue that matters. What makes the difference between the ones who succeed and those who fail (and never get back up again)? Why do some choose to quit while...

How Social Media is Disrupting the Art World

Amateurs and professionals can now represent and brand themselves on social media instead of relying on physical gallery spaces, said Malaysian artist Red Hong Yi.

Is The World On Reset Mode?

Stephane Garelli is a world authority on competitiveness. Besides being an academic and author of several books, he was also the Managing Director of the World Economic Forum and of the Davos Annual meetings. He shares his insights into what defines competitiveness, as well as the challenges businesses and...

Does Mobile Technology Hold the Key to Conquering the “Last Mile” in Global Health?

The World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO) estimate that at least half of the world’s 7.6 billion do not have access to essential health services. A key part of this problem is the lack of doctors or healthcare facilities in impoverished and remote places.

What It Takes To Build A Fashion Brand That Empowers Female Artisans

In the Philippines, one of the biggest areas for urban poverty lies in Metro Manila. Here, residents who lived alongside a landfill would dig through the junk to find items they could sell or recycle to earn money to support their families.

Essential Macau Dec | Blooming in Macau

On a sunny afternoon in Macau, artist Hong Yi – alias Red – was busy finishing her work in a secret corner of the Mandarin Oriental, Macau destined to be the new lobby lounge.

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